At One Planet Clanfield we have a number of ongoing projects. If you would like to get involved with these, or suggest new projects we can take on as a group contact us.
Located along Main street on the corner of Wicks Close these shelves are open for all to use. Seasonal produce from the Community allotment is placed on the shelves for anyone to take and use. All items on the shelves are free but if you would like to make a donation to the community allotment for s...
A small group of volunteers run a Community Allotment near the church in Clanfield. The aim of this allotment is to grow food which we put on the Sharing Shelves for the community. The produce is free, although we are happy to have small contributions towards the costs of running the allotment. Pe...
One Planet Clanfield are a community member of the Low Carbon Hub in Oxford. In October 2022 we featured as their community group of the month
Inspired by the Low Carbon Hub and Low Carbon Oxford North we would like to create a local low carbon directory.
Since May 2022 we have been holding regular Repair Cafés on Saturday afternoons at the Carter Institute in Clanfield. We were inspired and supported initially by Oxfordshire Community Action Group and ou...
The next Sustainable Saturday will take place 13 April 2024. Come along and take part in the following events:
From September to March One Planet Clanfield hosts meetings and talks on the last Tuesday of the month at the Carter Institute at 7.30pm.
Please check our One Planet Clanfield Facebook page for more information nearer the time.
Would you like to talk about topics relating to sustainability and the environment? Or just join us for the chat and ideas! Please email us at if you have any suggestions or comments.